KYIV, Ukraine — Artem Kudria lounged on a blue beanbag chair, his laptop plugged in, hoodie up and his feet — clad in orange socks — stretched out in front of him. He was hard at work as a designer for a technology company. But this wasn’t his living room or even an office lounge […]
Tag: Find
Some find fault with Francis’ homily for Benedict.
VATICAN CITY — The unusual nature of Thursday’s funeral for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, presided over by his successor, Pope Francis, only heightened curiosity over what course Francis would take to honor Benedict. Would he give his predecessor the simple send-off he had requested, while managing not to offend the church’s conservative wing, which wanted […]
Astronomers Find a Black Hole in Our Cosmic Back Yard
Almost but not quite in time for Halloween, astronomers announced on Friday that they had discovered the closest known black hole. It is a biggie, a shell of yawning emptiness 10 times as massive as the sun, orbiting as far from its own star as the Earth is from ours. Not to worry, however: This […]
Russia-Ukraine War: U.N. Inspectors Find No Evidence for Russian ‘Dirty Bomb’ Claim
Ukrainian soldiers returning to a village to spend the night last week before heading to the front line in the Kherson region. Ukrainian officials have said they expect a brutal battle for the city of Kherson.Credit…Ivor Prickett for The New York Times KYIV, Ukraine — On the day after Russian forces invaded Ukraine in February, […]
Where Russians Retreated, Ukrainians Find Devastation
Returning to liberated towns, Ukrainians find destruction on a staggering scale, vital services cut, and the prospect of a lethal winter ahead.
Ukraine War Amputees Find New Limbs, and Hope
It did not take long for amputees to begin coming off the Ukrainian battlefield. Our photographer captured their new fight, to lead ordinary lives again.
Russians Fleeing the Draft Find an Unlikely Haven in Kyrgyzstan
Tens of thousands of men have ended up in places like Kyrgyzstan, a former Soviet territory, that normally see few refugees but are willing to take them.
Advancing Ukrainian Troops Find Nearly Empty Towns Destroyed by Fighting
Kyiv’s Army has gained momentum on the battlefield, but much of the land it has recaptured from Russia has been razed and abandoned.
With Queen Gone, Former Colonies Find a Moment to Rethink Lasting Ties
In Commonwealth nations with British colonial histories, Queen Elizabeth’s death is rekindling discussions about a more independent future.